Just to prove that I'm at least doing something with this site, welcome to The Tao of Shue, with an all new design. For those unaware, "Tao" means "to denounce" or "condemn", and "Shu" means "writings". I think "The Tao of Shue" make an excellent title considering the old version of this website was to house ranting on my problems with the world today. I may maintain the idea of posting new rants, though I may go in a completely different direction by expounding lessons life has taught me, and continues to teach me. What could be more hypocritcal than an individual who rejects the notion of religion venting about how people should live their lives? Sounds just like something I'd do, if you ask me.

Anyway, it's just an idea I've got floating around, but I decided that the design should be posted. Kevin did an amazing job with it, and if he ever gets something going on his own gushue.com subdomain, I'll post a link to that. In the meantime, I'm open for suggestions on what I should do with this site (as well as the base www.gushue.com domain). Part of the problem with working in web development is that the last thing you want to do in your spare time is something involved with web development. Perhaps that will change when I start teaching, and perhaps this web site will have another function. But that is then, and this is now. For now, it's The Tao of Shue. All are welcome... unless you're a neo-conservative, then you can go fuck yourself.

--Tom Gushue (12/19/05)

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